Setting the clock system


Setting the clock system

The SIMATIC Drive Controller supports isochronous mode for the following clock systems:

PROFINET IO interface X150

PROFIBUS DP interface X126

Technology I/Os X142

With PROFIdrive Integrated

You can operate the clock systems separately or coupled on an isochronous basis. Exception: Isochronous coupling of the PROFIBUS DP interface is not possible. You can find information on the combinations in which you can couple the clock systems in Overview of isochronous mode.

You make the required settings in the relevant clock systems.

Once you have set and, if necessary, coupled the clock systems, you need to couple the OB servo with the clock system in which you wish to operate the drives / that is the leading clock system.

SINAMICS Integrated clock system

Proceed as follows to set the clock system of the SINAMICS Integrated:

    Switch to the network view.

    Click on PROFIdrive Integrated in the network view.

    Make the settings for the SINAMICS Integrated under "Constant bus cycle time".
    The SINAMICS Integrated is always isochronous (option is always selected).

    图片: SINAMICS Integrated (PROFIdrive Integrated) clock system

    Adjust other settings if required – for example times Ti/To for reading in/outputting data in isochronous mode.

列表: Setting options for "Cycle time" in the SINAMICS Integrated clock system

Setting options



With these settings, you operate the SINAMICS Integrated as an independent clock system.

Automatic minimum

Use local send clock [X142]

With this setting, you operate the SINAMICS Integrated in isochronous mode coupled with the clock system of the X142 technology I/Os.

Use this setting if you want to use the technology I/Os isochronously with the OB servo, for example, for measuring input or output cam applications.

Please note the following:

You cannot operate the X142 technology I/Os in isochronous mode separately from SINAMICS Integrated.

If you want to operate X142 technology I/Os and SINAMICS Integrated in isochronous mode simultaneously, always set coupled isochronous mode.

Consistency checks ensure that the setting is correct.

Send clock of the PROFINET interface [X150]

With this setting, you operate SINAMICS Integrated in isochronous mode coupled with PROFINET interface X150. SINAMICS Integrated uses the system clock of PROFINET interface X150.

Use this setting if you need to operate the SIMATIC Drive Controller in isochronous mode at PROFINET IO interface X150, for example, for the connection of drives or for synchronous operation across PLC.

X142 technology I/Os clock system

Proceed as follows to set the clock system of the X142 technology I/Os:

    In the device view of STEP 7, select the CPU of the SIMATIC Drive Controller.

    Navigate to "Advanced configuration" > "Isochronous mode" in the properties of the CPU.

    Select the required settings from the "Source of send clock" drop-down list in the "Isochronous mode for local modules" section.

    图片: Technology I/O clock system

列表: Setting options for "Source of send clock" in the clock system of the technology I/Os

Setting options


Local send clock

With this setting, you operate the X142 technology I/Os as an independent clock system, or as the leading clock system if you couple the clock system of the SINAMICS Integrated.

Using the send clock of the PROFINET interface [X150]

With this setting, you operate X142 technology I/Os in isochronous mode coupled with PROFINET interface X150. The X142 technology I/Os use the system clock of PROFINET interface X150.

PROFINET IO interface X150 clock system

Proceed as follows to set the clock system of PROFINET interface X150:

    Select the PROFINET IO system in the network view of STEP 7.

    Make the settings for the send clock, etc. under "PROFINET subnet" > "Domain management" > "Sync domains".

In coupled isochronous mode with other clock systems, the clock system of the PROFINET interface is always leading.

You can find additional information on configuring isochronous mode on PROFINET IO in the Isochronous mode function manual.

PROFIBUS interface X126 clock system

You must follow the rules below during configuration if you want to operate the PROFIBUS DP interface in isochronous mode:

列表: Rules for configuring isochronous mode for PROFIBUS DP interface

If ...

The configured cycle time of the PROFIBUS DP interface must...

A SINAMICS Integrated is configured

Be equal to or an integer multiple of the configured cycle time of the SINAMICS Integrated (PROFIdrive Integrated)

The X142 technology I/Os are operated in isochronous mode

Be equal to or an integer multiple of the configured cycle time of the X142 technology I/Os

The clock system of the PROFINET IO interface is coupled with one of the two clock systems.

Be equal to or an integer multiple of the configured cycle time of the PROFINET IO interface

Consistency checks ensure that the setting is correct.

Proceed as follows to set the clock system of the PROFIBUS interface:

    Select the DP master system in the network view of STEP 7.

    Make the settings for the DP cycle under "Constant bus cycle time".


Isochronous coupling of the PROFIBUS interface with other clock systems is not possible.

If you want to expand the drive configuration limits with distributed drive systems, connect those distributed drive systems over the PROFINET IO interface X150. Only the PROFINET IO interface X150 can be connected isochronously alongside the MC Servo to the clock system of SINAMICS Integrated and the X142 technology I/Os.

Synchronizing MC Servo with clock system

Proceed as follows to synchronize the MC Servo with a clock system:

    Open the "Program blocks" folder in the project tree.

    Select the "MC Servo" organization block.

    Select the "Properties" command in the shortcut menu.

    Select the "Cycle time" entry in the area navigation.

    The option "Synchronous to the bus" must be selected in the dialog box.

    In the "Source of send clock" drop-down list, select the clock system to be synchronized with the OB MC‑Servo.

    图片: Synchronizing MC Servo with clock system

列表: Setting options for synchronization with a clock system

Setting options1)


PROFIdrive system (1)

With this setting, you synchronize MC Servo with the clock system of SINAMICS Integrated.

PROFINET IO system (100)

With this setting, you synchronize MC Servo with PROFINET interface X150.

PLC_1 (0)

With this setting, you synchronize MC Servo with the clock system of technology I/Os X142.

DP master system (2)

With this setting, you synchronize MC Servo with PROFIBUS interface X126.

1) The designations may vary depending on the names assigned.

For coupled isochronous mode, you must always select the leading clock system.

Setting the application cycle

The application cycle of MC Servo is derived from the send clock and a configurable factor. The adjustable factors depend on the coupled clock system.
