• 代理6AV6381-2BD08-0AV0



代理6AV6381-2BD08-0AV0          代理6AV6381-2BD08-0AV0             代理6AV6381-2BD08-0AV0

WinCC 系统软件 V8.0 亚洲, 运行时 512(512 个过程变量), 运行系统软件,单许可证, DVD 上的软件和文档, USB 闪存驱动器上的许可证密钥, A 级,9 种语言(德语, 英语,法语,西班牙语,意大利语,简体中文,繁体中文,朝鲜语,日 语), 请注意产品版本: support.industry. SIOS 条目  内容:套组(3x DVD + 1x USB

WinCC/ supplements SIMATIC WinCC V7.5 with the functions of the Sequence Execution System
Product description


WinCC/ V7.5 (Sequence Execution System) is the option package of WinCC for sequential control of recipe-based and sequence-based proces.
WinCC/ is especially suitable for production plants in which dosing, mixing and material transport are important process actions.

WinCC/ supplements SIMATIC WinCC V7.5 with these functions

WinCC/ offers easy changing of production parameters and production proces in Runtime without changing the PLC code.

Clear visualization of the production steps with the latest states.

Option for targeted intervention in the running process with manual jumps to a specific step or with automatic jumps as soon as a configured event occurs

Clearly structured comparison of actual values with setpoints for each individual step

Single-step mode in which the operator can switch to the next step independently.

WinCC/ is especially suitable for production plants in which dosing, mixing and material transport are important process actions. 

SIMATIC WinCC/ V7.5 offers convenient configuration in the Configuration Studio

You can now keep multiple controls open at the same time.

V7.5 now gives you the option to define up to 200 steps in a sequence.

Control of up to 160 control elements per unit.

Up to 1000 parameters per sequence are now supported

V7.5 now supports up to 150 units.

Simultaneous saving of up to 5 sequences per unit in the PLC.

Exception handling (special sequences) is supported, which can be activated as soon as the Running state is changed to Holding, Resuming, Aborting, etc.


Note that SIMATIC WinCC/ requires SIMATIC WinCC V7.5 as a basis.

WinCC/ supplements SIMATIC WinCC V7.5 with the functions mentioned above.

In regard to configuration, WinCC/ V7.5 has been released for the WinCC V7.5 operating system platforms

WinCC/ WinCC/ supports the following project types:

Configuration and Runtime are supported in the single-user system.

Configuration and Runtime are supported as follows in the multi-user system:

 Project typeConfiguration Runtime 
 Server Yes Yes
 Client without project No Yes
 Client with project No Yes
 Engineering System Yes Yes
 Redundant server No No
 Web Client No No


This is a limited release; for each order of the product the release of the Product Manager is requested by the planner.

Scope of delivery and ordering information

The licensing of the WinCC/ option is based on the number of units that are controlled with WinCC/.

Two licen are offered for WinCC/ V7.5 which must be available on the server. 

a) One basic license for up to two units
b) An extension license (countable) with which the basic license can be extended by five units each

 Machine-readable product codeArticle number

 WinCC/ V7.5 Sequence Execution System
 Basic Package (incl. 2 Units) 

 WinCC/ V7.5 Sequence Execution System
 Extension 5 Units
 WinCC/ V7.5 Sequence Execution System
 Basic Package Upgrade V7.3 -> V7.5
 WinCC/ V7.5 Sequence Execution System
 Basic Package Upgrade V7.4 -> V7.5 
 WinCC/ V7.5 Sequence Execution System
 Extension 5 Units Upgrade V7.3 -> V7.5
 WinCC/ V7.5 Sequence Execution System
 Extension 5 Units Upgrade V7.4 -> V7.5


If you have any other questions, please contact your local Siemens office.


