Overview of isochronous mode

2021-07-28 浏览次数:147
Overview of isochronous mode


The SIMATIC Drive Controller supports isochronous mode for the following clock systems:

PROFINET IO interface X150

PROFIBUS DP interface X126

Technology I/Os X142

SINAMICS Integrated with PROFIdrive Integrated (always isochronous)

You can operate the clock systems separately or coupled on an isochronous basis.

Exception: Isochronous coupling of the PROFIBUS DP interface is not possible.

Independent isochronous mode

If you want to operate the clock systems separately in isochronous mode, configure a cycle time for each clock system and assign the clock systems to different process images, for example:

SINAMICS Integrated → PIP OB Servo [OB 91]

PROFIBUS DP interface X126 → PIP 1 of isochronous mode interrupt OB [OB 6x]

The clock systems are in this case not isochronous to each other.


You cannot operate the X142 technology I/Os in isochronous mode separately from SINAMICS Integrated.

If you want to operate technology I/Os X142 and SINAMICS Integrated in isochronous mode simultaneously, always set coupled isochronous mode.

Coupled isochronous mode

In coupled isochronous mode, the relevant clock systems use a shared system clock.

The leading clock system provides its own system clock to the other clock systems.

The following table shows the possible combinations for coupled isochronous mode on the SIMATIC Drive Controller. The leading clock system for each combination is indicated.

列表: Possible combinations for coupled isochronous mode

PROFINET IO interface X150

Technology I/Os X142
(local send clock)

SINAMICS Integrated
(PROFIdrive Integrated)

PROFIBUS DP interface X126

X (leading)




X (leading)




X (leading)





X (leading)



1 SINAMICS Integrated is not configured.

You configure coupled isochronous mode in STEP 7; see Setting the clock system.


Isochronous coupling of the PROFIBUS interface with other clock systems is not possible.

If you want to expand the drive configuration limits with distributed drive systems, connect those distributed drive systems over the PROFINET IO interface X150. Only the PROFINET IO interface X150 can be connected isochronously alongside the MC Servo to the clock system of SINAMICS Integrated and the X142 technology I/Os.
